As many as 37% of UK employees are concerned that they’ll eventually be replaced by automation and digital transformation in the workplace.
HR software provider CIPHR surveyed 1,000+ UK workers and found that 33% of women and 43% of men consider it likely or very likely that automation could replace their jobs. While over half (54%) of those aged 18-24-years-old, compared to around a quarter (27%) of over-45s, believe that their job might not exist one day.
Claire Williams, chief people officer at CIPHR, commented, “CIPHR’s job automation study reveals some surprising insights into how people perceive the role of technology and automation in the workplace, particularly when it comes to their own careers.
“Almost every industry has been transformed in some way by technology. And while digitalisation and automation have brought many positive benefits to organisations, such as improved efficiencies and productivity, streamlined processes, and reduced costs and timesaving, there is still much uncertainty about how it will impact people’s jobs in the long term.”
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Email JaimeWilliams added, “The challenge is to get the right balance of technology and people. Employees need to feel valued, that their roles have been enhanced by technology rather than displaced by it. People often underestimate the human skills that they bring to their roles – the many parts of their jobs that can’t easily be replaced by algorithms and AI.
“The workplace and job roles will continue to evolve with technology, so employers need to consider the best ways to upskill and reskill their existing employees to keep up with these changes – making sure that they have the capacity, skills and capabilities to do their jobs and progress in their careers.”
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