Recent data has revealed that many firms are looking to temporary workers in order to try new ideas and resolve shortages.
Responding to the latest Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures, Neil Carberry, Chief Executive of the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC), said, “A small drop in vacancies and in overall employment are signs that the post-pandemic bounce has reached its end.
“But vacancies remain higher than unemployment, which is at historic lows, meaning it is still a good time to be looking for work. The big economic issue remains the capacity of our jobs market.
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Email JaimeNeil added, “Shortages mean that firms are feeling pressure to raise wages, which is also driven by rising inflation for households. This only increases the need for firms to manage their overall pay bills in ways that allow for higher pay that firms can afford.
“It is no surprise, therefore, to see firms using more temporary work as a tool to try new ideas, resolve shortages or meet unexpected demand at a time like this. Temps get flexibility over when and where they work, but they also make a huge contribution to our economy.”
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