Umbrella company contractors might be interested to learn that opportunities within the financial services sector are on the up, despite widespread speculation about a negative impact on City jobs following Brexit.
According to findings carried out by Venquis, contractors across the financial services sector are in high demand as businesses look to maintain major change projects.
Sean Anderson, Venquis insurance contract manager, commented, “Our insurance team has seen a surge in demand for analytic specialists as firms seek to catch up with other sectors in improving and transforming the customer experience by developing more digitalised and agile business models. And as demand intensifies, contractors are commanding lucrative rates. A business analyst in the insurance sector for example, can earn between £400 and £600 per day depending on their level and area of expertise.
“Market consolidation is also a major driver of change. We have seen a number of mergers and acquisitions within the insurance sector which means transforming and integrating technology systems and processes – all of which are major projects that need resourcing.
He added, “The evolving regulatory framework is another area requiring specialist skills and with MIFID II due to take effect in 2018, the only certainty is more change.
“With the impact of Brexit likely to increase the need for major change projects, it seems that financial services and the gig economy could well go hand in hand!”
Daniele Cantello is an Contract Manager for Contractor Umbrella Ltd, one of the UK’s Most Respected Umbrella Companies. Learn more about Daniele on Google.