Umbrella company contractors might be interested to learn that a new report has revealed that both employers and employees, could benefit from the use of flexible working.
The Flex Factor report, published by RSA and Vodaphone UK, surveyed 2,828 employers and workers. The findings show that employees estimate that they could acquire more productive hours per week, an average of five, simply through better ways of working.
The report found that 64% with experience in flexible working said that it improved their overall job satisfaction.
UK employers have also been found to benefit more with this way of working, in terms of productivity gains and cost savings.
According to the Flex Factor, better ways of working are a key driver of productivity, performance and organisational innovation, as well as employee satisfaction and wellbeing.
Jeroen Hoencamp, Vodafone UK enterprise director, said, "The traditional workplace is dead and British business needs to adopt a new mind-set. Flexible working isn't just working from home and these findings reveal that, with an optimised approach, businesses can overcome any downsides and greatly increase efficiency and productivity, as well as boost their bottom line.
"We want to see organisations and their employees work well and live well. In the global race for growth, organisations should embrace better ways of working consciously as a strategy for success as opposed to ignoring them. Companies can see real, tangible benefits by taking this approach, as this research demonstrates."
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The Rise of Flexible Work in the UK – An infographic provided by the team at Expert Market UK
Simon Dolan is the Sales & Marketing Manager for Contractor Umbrella Ltd, one of the UK’s Most Respected Umbrella Companies and founder member of AllUmbrellaCompaniesAreEqual.
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