With the pandemic giving more workers a chance to experience remote working, 50% of Brits say that they want the hybrid working system to be a permanent feature.
Of the 2,000 Brits surveyed by office equipment experts Avansas, 54% of women wish to work at home a few days of the week compared to 44% of men.
Interestingly, those working at home are putting in more hours since Covid – 11% said they worked between 1-2 hours more and 12% 3-4 more hours a week.
Some Brits admit that they are fearful about returning to the office, with anxieties such as touching door handles and buttons and having multiple people in the same ‘confined’ space all day.
Despite this, 53% of those surveyed said that they feel the office is ‘somewhat safe’ and a quarter believe their workplace is completely safe.
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Email JaimeMustafa Ergene, International Sales and Marketing Director for Avansas, said, “More employers should be thinking of ways to create safe and flexible working environments for their staff. Naturally, there will be concerns surrounding the topic of working from the office, particularly after we become accustomed to working from home for so long.
“Collaboration, trust and mutual respect between employees and employers will be absolutely crucial in making the move back into the workplace. From hybrid working arrangements to fully remote opportunities, more options are now up for discussion in places where they may not have been before.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01206 591 000 or email jaime.thorpe@contractorumbrella.com.