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As expected, Covid-19 has had an enormous impact on recruitment with the number of new vacancies added in June down by 49% when compared to the previous year.

The data, compiled by Broadbean Technology, also found that the hospitality sector has been hit particularly hard, with vacancies down 72% year-on-year.

This is in line with reports from the UK Hospitality trade association which revealed that revenue in the sector dropped 87% from April through June.

Despite this, hiring is starting to pick up again, as we come out of lockdown and more businesses start to reopen.

The findings also revealed that the construction sector is starting to pick up again, as figures show vacancies were up 53% month-on-month at the end of June. This is the first monthly increase in hiring since March.

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Managing Director at Broadbean Technology, Alex Fourlis, commented, “As the UK continues to emerge from lockdown, we’re beginning to really gather some insight as to the longer term impact the pandemic has had on hiring in the UK.

“We are still seeing pockets of resilience and some sectors are once again recruiting, but the year-on-year figures certainly indicate that the UK has a long way to go before we fully recover.

“It’s certainly no surprise to note that the impact on hospitality has been profound, however, it certainly looks like the sector has reached a turning point at last and we hope that the early signs of companies in the sector once again hiring continue throughout the rest of the summer.”

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