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Those selling unwanted items online have been assured by HMRC that they can continue to do so without being at risk of further tax obligations.

This comes after many people were left concerned following new ‘side hustle’ tax rules that came into place at the start of the year.

On the 1st of January 2024, online platforms, such as eBay, Vinted, Uber and Deliveroo, started collecting and sending information to HMRC and the individual with the aim of identifying the people who are earning money through these platforms and making sure they are paying tax if they should be.

Our Do I need to worry about the new ‘side hustle’ tax rules? page will provide more information on this.

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HMRC has now confirmed and reassured those who are selling unwanted items online that they can continue to do so confidently and without any new tax obligations.

Angela MacDonald, HMRC’s Second Permanent Secretary and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, said, “We cannot be clearer – if you are not trading and just occasionally sell unwanted items online – there is no tax due.

“As has always been the case, some people who are trading through websites or selling services online may need to be paying tax and registering for Self Assessment.”

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