The IPSE believes that HMRC’s amendment to the off-payroll working rules will be ‘little comfort’ to the contractors who are already facing losing work due to IR35.
HMRC stated that ‘the off-payroll working rules will only apply to payments made for services provided on or after 6 April 2020’, however, the IPSE is still campaigning for the government to halt the changes while a full and independent review is carried out and also raising awareness about what the changes could mean for the self-employed.
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Email JaimeAndy Chamberlain, Deputy Director of Policy at IPSE (the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed), commented, “As we approach the April deadline, HMRC are starting to realise just how difficult these rules will be for businesses to implement. Delaying the start date to when the work is actually performed, rather than paid for, is a sensible move, but it doesn’t address the fatal flaws in the legislation itself.
“This minor amendment will be little comfort, therefore, to the many contractors already being laid off by companies who are panicking about the approaching changes. We are still campaigning hard for the government to halt the IR35 changes while a full and independent review is carried out into the very serious risks for hundreds of thousands of contractors, the businesses they work with and the economy as a whole.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email