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The demand for IT contractors has seen a significant increase as of lately, finds a new report from Computer People.

The IT Monitor report has revealed great news for umbrella company contractors working in the IT sector, as contract jobs have grown by +16.65% month-on-month.  This rise in vacancies shows an increase that is double the rate of permanent placements.

According to the Computer People’s report, the demand for IT workers was particularly high during May 2012, which is believed to be due to the Olympics.  However, figures show that it was the contracting market, rather than the permanent, which benefitted the most from this period of time.

The IT Monitor report shows that it was the South East of England that remains the most profitable area for IT worker’s; the largest annual growth came from both Wales, at +19.5% and Scotland, at +18.5%.

The research also revealed the areas of IT that were most in demand for both markets.  For contractors, it was the business intelligence and database administration sectors that saw a rise in demand, whereas the application analyst and network engineer roles were the most in demand for IT professionals working in the permanent sector.

Lisa Keeble is the Managing Director for Contractor Umbrella Ltd, one of the UK’s Most Respected Umbrella Companies and founder member of AllUmbrellaCompaniesAreEqual.
Learn more about Lisa on Google.


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