Although vacancies are rising across the UK, job seekers are being urged not to be complacent when it comes to applying for roles.
According to data from RoleCatcher, of the 500 job seekers surveyed, 35% make an embarrassing mistake during the recruitment process – such as applying for the same job twice or not knowing what company they’re interviewing with.
Interestingly, those aged 35-54 are most likely to do something embarrassing, with 38% of this group stating this has happened to them. Those between 18-34 were a close second (35%).
James Fogg, CEO and Founder of RoleCatcher commented, “There’s no denying that the scales are tipped in the favour of the applicant at the moment. Employers are finding talent is in short supply and the skills shortages across a range of sectors are well documented.
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Email Jaime“However, that doesn’t mean that job seekers can be complacent when it comes to finding a new position. Our research has shown that a large number of people make mistakes when searching for a new role and, unfortunately, no matter what the job market is like, errors will more often than not lead to individuals losing out on a position they could be perfect for.
“The fact that our respondents indicated they’d made embarrassing mistakes such as forgetting what company they were interviewing with is a concern. Being unprepared won’t work in your favour, so as more people begin to look at shifting roles, it’s crucial that job seekers don’t allow the strong recruitment market to lead to complacency.”
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