Whether you’re an umbrella company contractor, freelancer or ‘permie’ looking for work, the majority of job seekers will experience similar frustrations.
A recent Robert Half UK report has revealed that after surveying 1,000 jobseekers, the biggest frustration with job applications is slow feedback from prospective employers about their progress through the application process. This was cited by over half (52%) of candidates.
According to the report, UK businesses are missing out on top talent because they are alienating candidates with poor communication and long hiring practice.
Some of the top frustrations of jobseekers included: poor communication about the required steps in the recruitment process (44%), delayed decision making (39%) and difficulties scheduling interviews (23%).
Matt Weston, Director at Robert Half UK, commented on the findings, “With increasing concerns around a growing skills gap and top talent in short supply, businesses can’t afford to alienate prospective employees with drawn-out interview processes.”
He added, “A company’s recruitment process needs to be balanced against the expectations and frustrations of jobseekers. Companies should be thinking about how they can streamline application and interview processes to ensure that frustrations such as delays in providing feedback and poor communication, don’t cost them the best candidates.”
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Simon Dolan is the Managing Director for Contractor Umbrella Ltd, one of the UK’s Most Respected Umbrella Companies and founder member of AllUmbrellaCompaniesAreEqual. Learn more about Lucy on Google. |