A new survey has shown that 28% of people aged between 25 and 54 think it’s unlikely they’ll ever completely retire.
A quarter of workers say they can’t see themselves retiring before the age of 70, while a third want to continue working in order to maintain their current lifestyle.
Interestingly, the Aviva research also found that only 33% of women think they’re likely to retire compared to 47% of men.
Commenting on the findings, Alistair McQueen, Head of Savings and Retirement at Aviva, said, “Attitudes towards retirement are changing. The idea that retirement is a fixed event on a fixed date is increasingly a thing of the past. Significant numbers are even questioning whether they will ever fully retire.”
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Alistair added, “Uncertainty appears to be greatest among the mid-life Gen X cohort. For this group, retirement is close enough to be a consideration but too far away to be a certainty.
“The good news is that retirement savers have more control over their futures than ever before. They can choose when to use their retirement savings and technology also allows savers to manage their money along the way, where and when they want.”
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