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A recent report has revealed that 19% of Brits plan to set up their own company within the next five years.

However, 41% of those surveyed said they lacked the confidence to do so and nearly half believe that it is a risky time to start up a business in the UK.

The report, carried out by WebsiteToolTester, found that retail, catering and leisure industries are the most difficult sectors for new start-ups, followed by IT and telecoms and the finance industry.

Robert Brandl, CEO of WebsiteToolTester, commented, “It’s great to see that so many people are keen to nurture their inner entrepreneur, with plans to set up their own business in the next five years. Whilst funding and connections help when setting up a new business, a great idea and enthusiasm need to come first!

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“With so many people agreeing that building a website is the first thing to do when starting a business, it’s great that this doesn’t have to be expensive, and that there are so many options for businesses to start small and grow with its customer base.

“It’s interesting to gain insight into some of the reasons people feel like they can’t set up a business, with age and gender appearing to be key barriers for people. More needs to be done so that there is more equality in access to business funding, opportunities and training, so that anyone, regardless of their age, gender or background has a great shot at setting up the business of their dreams.”

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