A recent survey has revealed that over a third of Brits would refuse their dream job if it meant facing their biggest fear.
UK jobs board Jobsite surveyed more than 2,000 workers, presenting them with twelve of the most common phobias, asking them to rate their fear from ‘very afraid’ to ‘not at all’.
Interestingly, public speaking hit the top spot and was rated above both heights and social situations. This is unfortunate when most employers consider public speaking to be a necessary skill in the workplace.
The other top fears include:
– Public speaking (67%)
– Heights (65%)
– Social situations (37%)
– Enclosed spaces (35%)
– Animals (33%)
– Crowds (30%)
– Needles (28%)
– Flying (26%)
– Phone calls (23%)
– Blood (17%)
– Public transport (11%)
– Open spaces (3%)
“Martin Talbot, Group Marketing Director, at Jobsite, commented, ‘‘Today’s findings shine a light on an issue that many are sure to be aware of but understandably reluctant to talk about.
“Few of us like to admit when we’re afraid, yet it is something that we all experience at some time in our lives. Whilst we may believe our personal fears are best kept private, we might not be aware of how it impacts on our confidence at work or what we can do about it?
“I would encourage all employees to speak openly and honestly about their fears and anxieties that affect them in the workplace. Organisations can help encourage this by raising awareness of the support networks on offer and provide a confidential and safe route for staff to raise personal issues.
“Workplaces, where staff feel comfortable enough to express themselves and can work successfully towards overcoming their fears and phobias, have the potential to make a lasting positive impact on employee’s lives.’’
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