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The latest Bank of Scotland report has revealed that both temporary and permanent placements have grown during April of this year.

The Report on Jobs revealed great news for contractors, showing that overall demand for contractors and temps is at a three month high across the country.

The Report on Jobs is based on a monthly survey of over 100 recruitment and employment consultants, providing the latest information on the Scottish jobs market.

According to the findings, demand for contractors rose strongly during last month, and at the fastest pace since January, with Aberdeen seeing the strongest increases in temporary staff remuneration rates.

Umbrella company contractors will also be pleased to hear that temp hourly pay rates increased for the second month running.

There were five sectors that saw the most growth in demand, led by the nursing/medical/care, engineering & construction and IT & Computing.                                             

Donald MacRae, Chief Economist at Bank of Scotland, said, "April’s Barometer rose for the second month in a row to the highest level of 2013.

“Both the number of people placed into permanent and temporary jobs rose while vacancies increased in the month.

“These results provide further evidence for the Scottish economy beginning to demonstrate a more robust recovery.”

Simon Dolan is the Sales & Marketing Manager for Contractor Umbrella Ltd, one of the UK’s Most Respected Umbrella Companies and founder member of AllUmbrellaCompaniesAreEqual.
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