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The REC has said that vital agency staff must be supported financially during Covid-19, with schools being encouraged to follow Cabinet Office guidance to continue paying 80% of their temps’ salaries.

The Recruitment & Employment Confederation said its members have expressed concern that many schools and colleges are not aware of this guidance or that they are choosing not to use it. Additionally, there is confusion about whether this guidance overlaps with the Job Retention Scheme – it doesn’t.

The REC has called on the government to write to all schools to highlight the Cabinet Office guidance and ask them to take it up.

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Tom Hadley, Director of Policy at the REC, commented, “Schools want to protect the jobs of their employees and supply teachers so that they are ready to go when their doors open again. So it’s vitally important that schools are encouraged to follow the Cabinet Office guidance to support supply teachers through a continued salary. That’s why we’re asking the Department of Education to write to all schools to ensure they are aware of, and understand what they need to do. This will go a long way to helping schools protect jobs and their teachers’ livelihoods at this difficult time.

“However we navigate the opening up of schools after the lockdown, it’s essential that schools have the teachers they need – including supply teachers – to get up and running again. This will make all the difference to how fast the economy bounces back.”

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