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As part of its ’Tax Avoidance – Don’t Get Caught Out’ campaign, HMRC has named another tax avoidance promoter.

Based in The Shard, ContractorCare Ltd has been exposed by HMRC as a tax avoidance promoter, along with PAYEme Ltd and Gateway Outsource Solutions Ltd.

Users are being urged to withdraw from these schemes and contact HMRC as soon as possible or risk large tax bills.

HMRC has now named a total of fourteen tax avoidance promoters and further names will be added to the list in the coming weeks.

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Mary Aiston, Director of Counter Avoidance, HMRC, commented, “Tax avoidance schemes are advertised as clever ways to pay less tax but in reality, they rarely work as the promoters promise.

“That’s why we’re regularly exposing the details of tax avoidance schemes and their promoters, to not only help customers steer clear of them, but also to disrupt the tax avoidance market and drive scheme promoters out of business.

“Anyone who thinks they may be involved in a tax avoidance scheme, or have been approached by a scheme promoter, should contact us as soon as possible to get help.”

To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01206 591 000 or email

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