Latest findings have revealed that the majority of employers expect to hire over the next few months, but more than half admit to having hard-to-fill vacancies.
The CIPD’s recent Labour Market Outlook survey shows that of the 2,012 employers questioned, 71% expect to hire over the next three months, however, 57% say that they have hard-to-fill jobs with many predicting that this situation will worsen in the next six months.
The most common approaches used by employers to address hard-to-fill vacancies in the past six months are to:
- Upskill existing staff (cited by 47%)
- Raise wages (43%)
- Increase the duties of existing staff (36%)
- Improve job quality (27%)
- Hire more apprentices (26%).
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Email JaimeThe survey also found that more employers are open to hiring people who are returning to work after having time out of the labour market, for reasons other than having a child, such as suffering from a health condition or having caring responsibilities.
Jon Boys, senior labour market economist for the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, commented, “Skills and labour remain scarce in the face of a labour market which continues to be surprisingly buoyant given the economic backdrop of rising inflation and the associated cost-of-living crisis.
“Many employers are recognising the potential to attract certain groups to fill vacancies – particularly older workers, carers and those with health conditions – but this also requires a focus on improving job quality, particularly flexibility.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01206 591 000 or email