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Latest research has revealed that the number of job adverts in the UK has remained at high levels, despite current inflation concerns.

The recent Labour Market Tracker, compiled by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) and Lightcast, shows that there were 205,947 new job postings in the week of 6-12 Mar 2023 – 1.5% higher compared to the previous week.

Professions shown to have the most increase in job adverts during that week include:

  • Clergy (+17.6%)
  • Plasterers (+13.6%)
  • Financial and accounting technicians (+12.9%)
  • Archivists and curators (+12.6%)
  • Secondary education teaching professionals (+12.6%)
  • Production managers and directors in construction (+11.7%)
  • Scaffolders, stagers and riggers (+11.5%)

Neil Carberry, Chief Executive of the REC, commented, “This new job ads data shows stability in employer demand for staff. The labour market is not surging, as it did for much of 2022, but it remains a good time to be looking for a job. Firms still need to hire and there are plenty of opportunities out there.”

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Neil added, “There is nothing in this data that suggests that labour and skills shortages are going away soon, so companies need to adapt their hiring plans to match that.

“A focus on reaching into different communities, skill development and staff engagement is likely to pay off. Across the country, the best firms are working with their recruiters on this.

“There is much the Government can do too. The Budget started to focus in the right areas on childcare and support to work, but there is a lot to do if these plans are to really make a difference. And the Budget got an F from business on skills – the current system in England actively discourages employer investment and it needs to change.

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