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Half of the UK’s workers will need to reskill in the next five years due to the ‘double-disruption’ of the pandemic and the rise in automation transforming jobs.

This is according to the online assessment provider Questionmark, which surveyed the UK workforce against the skills identified by the WEF (World Economic Forum) and found that there was a disconnect between the skills needed in the future and the current confidence levels amongst workers.

Out of the top 10 skills that businesses will need by 2025, only three were confidently passed by over half of the UK workforce: problem solving, critical thinking and resilience.

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Other findings show that just 13% of respondents believe they are capable in technology design and programming, 35% have sufficient ‘leadership and social influence’ skills, 37% are confident in technology use, monitoring and control, and 45% say they have ‘creativity, originality and initiative’.

John Kleeman, Founder of Questionmark, said, “Do we think we’re better than we are, or are we better than we think? That’s the question that we need to help businesses to answer so that we can see what skills we’ve got and where training and development is needed. It’s clear there is work to be done.”

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