Freelancers and contractors who use umbrella services could benefit from the latest Government announcement that new funding is to kick-start the Green Deal across the UK. In order to help their regions to get the Green Deal started up, seven cities across England will receive a share of £12 million, a proposal that will help people pay for home improvements, like insulation, through savings on their energy bills. This is where highly skilled umbrella company contractors may be called upon, as initial indications suggest that the cities expect to deliver around 2,500 retrofits to households and non-domestic properties, which will include retrofitting properties across whole communities with energy-saving insulation.
Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield have all put forward ambitious proposals to lower their carbon emissions and this new funding will support their plans to test key elements of the Green Deal. Edward Davey, Energy Secretary, said, “These cities have really ambitious plans to lower their emissions, reduce energy use and help people save money on their bills. I’ve been really impressed by their plans to start testing the Green Deal and transforming our homes and buildings. “This funding will help them get up and running, and I look forward to seeing a number of properties across whole communities get the energy efficient improvements they need.” Umbrella service contractors could benefit from the latest Government announcement that new funding is to kick-start the Green Deal across the UK.
In order to help their regions to get the Green Deal started up, seven cities across England will receive a share of £12 million, a proposal that will help people pay for home improvements, like insulation, through savings on their energy bills.
This is where highly skilled umbrella company contractors may be called upon, as initial indications suggest that the cities expect to deliver around 2,500 retrofits to households and non-domestic properties, which will include retrofitting properties across whole communities with energy-saving insulation.
Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield have all put forward ambitious proposals to lower their carbon emissions and this new funding will support their plans to test key elements of the Green Deal.
Edward Davey, Energy Secretary, said, “These cities have really ambitious plans to lower their emissions, reduce energy use and help people save money on their bills. I’ve been really impressed by their plans to start testing the Green Deal and transforming our homes and buildings.
“This funding will help them get up and running, and I look forward to seeing a number of properties across whole communities get the energy efficient improvements they need.”