We know we must sympathise with other people’s hard times, but we couldn’t help but smile when we saw new research from HR specialists Curve Group this week. According to their research, 77% of the UK’s businesses are finding it seriously hard to recruit the permanent staff they need at the moment, leaving a huge opportunity for contractors working through umbrella companies to save the day.
We also noticed that 62% of interviewees said that they had problems with staff absence due to stress-related illness, which is very likely to be caused by a not-unsurprising fear of being made redundant – something which is made more likely by recent headcount freezes. More redundancies can only be expected over the coming months, which means that companies will find it harder to progress vital ongoing projects and to have enough resources to keep everything ticking over. Which of course will ultimately mean they have to recruit specialist umbrella contractors with the necessary skills! Which is at least good news for us and for our clients . . .