With the pandemic resulting in more of us working from home, a recent experiment has revealed just how dependent we are on the internet as a nation.
Comparethemarket.com asked households to turn off their broadband during the course of a week at different times of the day and then log how long it took for another member of their household to notice that they couldn’t access the WiFi.
Interestingly, on average, it only took 3.5 minutes for people to notice and kick up a fuss about their internet connection being down.
As more people are working remotely, interest usage has been up throughout the pandemic, particularly during the lockdown periods with 73% of Brits saying they’ve been using their household WiFi more than usual.
Unfortunately, 35% state that their internet connection has been worse compared to before lockdown.
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Email JaimeHolly Niblet, Head of Digital at comparethemarket.com, said, “Lockdown has unsparingly seen a surge in the number of people relying on the internet for work and leisure. There is a wide disparity in connection speeds and access to superfast broadband across the country.
“Our broadband speed test tool allows people to see how fast their broadband speed is and what better deals are available in their area because, for many households, a fast download speed is a deal-breaker when it comes to choosing a provider. Perhaps unsurprisingly, we have seen a steep rise in the number of customers switching online to the fastest packages during lockdown.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Mahli on 01206 591 000 or email mahli.tugby@contractorumbrella.com.