Employer confidence in hiring is bouncing back and returning to positive territory for the first time since the start of 2022, finds a new report.
Recent data from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) shows that due to confidence in the UK economy improving, expected demand for both permanent and temporary workers over the next 3 months rose to +18.
Commenting on the findings, Neil Carberry, Chief Executive of the REC, said, “This data is good news – it shows firms starting to feel more confident again. Employers always feel more confident in the business they know – their own – so it is no surprise that views of the wider economy are lagging a bit.
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Email Jaime“But a return to hiring is likely to re-emphasise the people and skills challenges we face. As the REC has pointed out, the UK could leave £39 billion of prosperity on the shelf – two Elizabeth Lines, every year – unless we can tackle the structural challenge we face on productivity and labour supply.
“Businesses across the country need to step up on their workforce planning to grow effectively – recruiters are there to help them with that. But we also need government action – from skills reform to immigration and employment regulation. As part of a cohesive industrial strategy, we need to start putting the people stuff first.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01206 591 000 or email jaime.thorpe@contractorumbrella.com.