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The IPSE has warned that with over a million contractors unable to claim for the second SEISS, the number of self-employed workers is dropping.

The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) is urging the government to consider ways to support those self-employed groups who are ineligible, especially if there were to be a second pandemic wave.

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Derek Cribb, CEO of IPSE, commented, “The August SEISS statistics are a reminder that although the scheme continues to help a large proportion of the self-employed, over a million freelancers – including directors of limited companies and the newly self-employed – are not eligible for it. This is a stark omission that is devastating to hard working self-employed people across the UK.

“We are already seeing the consequences of the gaps in support in the steep drop in the number of self-employed people last quarter. A second grant opened earlier this week, still without even a nod to these forgotten groups, who now face yet more months with no support. With the threat of a second wave and further lockdowns looming, government must urgently consider ways to support these desperate forgotten freelancers.”

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