Whether you’re an umbrella contractor, freelancer or ‘permie’, oversharing the wrong content on social media could very well be harming your future job prospects.
A survey of 1,500 UK parents carried out by AgeChecked, looked at their concerns with regards to their children and how their social media content could have an impact on their career prospects.
Of those surveyed, 58% are worried their children may share content that would embarrass them in the future, such as when they apply for jobs.
The findings follow a recent CareerBuilder survey, which revealed that as many as 70% of employers have searched a potential candidate’s social media profiles – more than half didn’t hire someone because of something they saw.
Alastair Graham, CEO of AgeChecked, commented, "It is understandable that parents are concerned about what their children are posting online and who they're communicating with. Children are now using social media sites on a regular basis from a young age, and it's not always possible for parents to supervise Internet access 24/7, given that it is so easily accessible nowadays.
"While access to the Internet can be hugely enjoyable and educational, it can really hamper future successes if children are posting careless, or potentially embarrassing content. Not only that, but children don't always understand who can see the things they're posting on social media sites – their accounts may not be as private as they think.”
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Simon Dolan is the Managing Director for Contractor Umbrella Ltd, one of the UK’s Most Respected Umbrella Companies and founder member of AllUmbrellaCompaniesAreEqual. Learn more about Lucy on Google. |