Umbrella company contractors might be interested to learn that experts within the self-employed sector have called on the government to introduce fair maternity and adoption pay for contractors.
The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) have reacted to the recent ‘Citizen’s Advice Bureau’s Sharp Practice at work: maternity rights’ report.
Adam Waters, IPSE Senior policy adviser, commented, “Today’s analysis from Citizen’s Advice shows many pregnant women and mothers are being denied their full maternity rights, in having their hours reduced or their role changed when they return to work.
“Maternity rights for employees should be properly enforced. However, the situation can be worse for the self-employed as they are only entitled to Maternity Allowance rather than Statutory Maternity Leave. It is vital the Government brings these in line if they want to make Britain a country that works for everyone.”
He added, “Government should also introduce an ‘Adoption Allowance’ for the self-employed, making up for the lack of Statutory Adoption Pay this group receives. Parents who adopt must receive the same rights as those having children.
“IPSE urges Government to implement the Deane Review’s recommendations and give equal treatment and recognition to self-employed parents so they receive the same support as employees.”
Daniele Cantello is an Contract Manager for Contractor Umbrella Ltd, one of the UK’s Most Respected Umbrella Companies. Learn more about Daniele on Google.