CBS, one of the UK’s leading employment screening companies, is to change its processes to better serve long-term career-breakers – who are usually women.
This is due to issues highlighted by a woman, Debs Brady. Returning to work after a 21-year employment break after raising her family, she was recently offered a part-time position with RDT, a Kent-based insuretech software house, who have a long-term partnership with CBS for vital employment screening.
As she did not claim any benefits and her household bills were in her husband’s name, there was a limited paper trail to show what she had been doing since her previous role.
Debs’ experience has caused CBS, which has a strong female-led team, to reanalyse its screening processes in order to help female career-breakers taking part in returnships.
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Email JaimeNow, RDT’s CBS package allows applicants to self-certify what they did during an extended employment break, and CBS has provided guidance to all staff who handle the screening administration for these returnships.
Rachel Bedgood, MD and Lead Signatory at CBS, commented, “Employment screening is, by its very nature, a difficult process to manage for all parties concerned. The employer needs a robust and meticulous process, the applicant needs a simple and quick journey, and we need to make sure we apply thorough due diligence while ensuring a happy balance is created to meet everyone’s objectives. This is a difficult task, however, it is a challenge we have enjoyed embracing.”
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