Latest findings have revealed that an estimated 1.2 million menopausal women aged 40-60 say that the menopause has had a negative impact on their career.
The CIPD’s report ‘Menopause in the workplace’, found that these experiences are heightened for those who also have a disability, or long-term health condition or identify as an ethnic minority.
The research shows that 67% of women with menopausal symptoms have had a ‘mostly negative’ effect on them at work. A wide range of impacts are reported, including feeling less able to concentrate (79%) and an increased amount of stress (68%).
Commenting on the findings, Rachel Suff, senior policy adviser for wellbeing and employee relations at the CIPD, said, “Many employers have made progress with supporting those with menopause symptoms at work. However, this isn’t the case across the board and much more can be done.
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Email Jaime“Organisations can’t afford not to support employees who are experiencing menopause symptoms if they want to retain a diverse range of talent. The CIPD’s research shows that a lack of support can have a negative impact on career progression and even causes some women to leave the workplace entirely.
“Line managers should be supported to have open and honest conversations about the support available. Everyone will experience menopause differently, so it’s about listening and offering support in ways that work for both the organisation and the employee.
“Offering flexible working and other helpful adjustments will go a long way to empowering employees to manage their symptoms and workloads, without compromising their careers.”
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